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Acoustics Basics Part 2: Sound Concepts – Delta IIC and HIIC

AUTHOR: Mike Raley, INCE Board Certified Acoustic Engineer In Part 1 of this series (link) we covered the common STC and IIC acoustic ratings. As a quick refresher, here’s an overview of the two b...

tapping machine 3

Acoustics Basics Part 1: Sound Concepts - STC & IIC

AUTHOR: Mike Raley, INCE Board Certified Acoustic Engineer From the traffic outside, to the barking dog next door, to what sounds like a heard of elephants in the apartment upstairs, noise is all ...


Reflecting on 2020

AUTHOR: Arthur Dodge, III, President & CEO of Ecore As the year draws to a close, I sit here trying to collect my thoughts and sum up this past year. The year started off like most this past decad...

Ecore brand banner

People | Planet | Product

AUTHOR: Bo Barber, Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing At Ecore, our mission statement is a beautiful and authentic summary of what we do every day, how we do it, and, more importantly, ...

PaveSafe SmashMat

Considering Outdoor Fitness for Your Facility? What You Need to Know

AUTHOR: Bo Barber, Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing Humans have always had a relationship with fitness. What started as survival of the fittest evolved, as civilized groups of people ...

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How will the Coronavirus Pandemic Effect our Approach to Health & Wellness?

AUTHOR: Mark Huxta, Director of Sales, Health & Wellness The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on economies, countries and, ultimately, people’s lives. As is often the case, the lesso...

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How to Create a Home Gym: What You Need to Know & Frequently Asked Questions

AUTHOR: Andy Bogart, Vice President of Sales Operations, Ecore Home workout spaces have always been desirable for their convenience. However, because of the pandemic and new social distancing meas...

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Three Things You Need to Know When Conducting On-Site Heavy-Weight Impact Testing of Surfaces

AUTHOR: Mike Raley Ecore’s INCE Board Certified Acoustic Engineer & Chairman of ASTM WK57850 – Field Measurement of the Reduction of Impact Sound from Heavy Impact Sources When Using Floor Cove...


Post Pandemic: What You Need to Know to Maintain Your Surfaces & Create an Ongoing Maintenance Plan

AUTHOR: Bo Barber Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Ecore In the wake of COVID-19, facility owners must now ensure that employees are following proper floor maintenance, cleaning, an...


The 8-Week Pullup Bar Program to Get Ripped

It's almost the end of summer, but there is is still time to get in shape! If you’re still looking for a simple, minimal-equipment workout regimen to help you get shredded during quarantine, then lo...