ClashTurf is a competitive sports surface for athletic fields. This is a turf system that requires infill and is extremely durable due to the higher face weight. ClashTurf is a BOSS premier turf field that is best for football, soccer, indoor sports, and multipurpose fields. ClashTurf also features 12mm TurfShok to provide added safety characteristics to the playing field related to reducing force from impacts. Custom lines and logos are available. Only available in the U.S.
Product Specs
51mm (2") x 15" 2' wide Custom Length
1Surface Layer
TenCate U.V. resistant XWRD monofilament and TenCate U.V. resistant XP Blade Plus slit film
Infill Sand (4.0 lbs/SF) and Rubber (2.5 lbs/SF) infill mixture
12mm (.47") x 48" (1.22mm)
2TurfShok ShockPad
12mm VCR TurfShok
Total Product Thickness: 63mm
Product Specs

Play Until the Whistle
With extreme durability and impressive shock absorption properties, ClashTurf is the ideal field for any turf user.
Force Reduction
The amount of energy this surface absorbs.
Energy Restitution
The amount of useful energy this surface returns.
*ASTM F3189-20 typical values
Key Features
- Made with reclaimed rubber material
- Inlaid Logos/Designs Available
- Returns Energy to User
- Significantly Reduces Impact Force
- Durable
- Suitable for Outdoor Use