
Managing impact energy reduces noise
A falling object, like a foot or weight, has energy. When the object hits the floor, that kinetic energy gets distributed to many places: back to the object (bounce), into the room (impact sound), to the room below (impact sound), to the floor (heat). Our products are all about managing where that energy goes. As it relates to acoustics, Ecore flooring helps manage the impact sound in the room where the object hits and in adjacent rooms, including the rooms below.
Products for Acoustic Performance

Performance Monster
Custom-made for extreme strength and conditioning, Performance Monster combines an 8mm base layer with an added shock pad.
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Performance Modzilla - 1 5/8" System
Designed for olympic-style weight lifting, Performance Modzilla adds a 32mm shock pad to the Performance Beast system.
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Performance dBTile
A molded tile designed for areas where extreme soundproofing and shock absorption are necessary.
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RageTurf Rally
With a 12mm VCR base layer, RageTurf Rally can handle the impact of moderate weight, making it ideal for functional training applications.
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RageTurf dBTile
Designed to reduce shock and sound from weight drops, RageTurf dBTile is a 2.5" VCR base layer molded to our RageTurf wear layer.
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FlexTurf Monster
By combining our Monster shock pad with our FlexTurf wear layer, we've created the ultimate safe and ergonomic training surface.
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Heritage Motivate
Ecore's revolutionary Performance Vinyl Tile is a vinyl tile product that simply performs better. It's safer, quieter, and more ergonomic than traditional LVT products.
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Browse Ecore's rubber flooring products with the top acoustic ratings.