Performance Modzilla - 1" System
Ecore's Performance Modzilla 1" system features Performance Beast rolls field united to a floating and interlocking Mod15 ShockPad allowing you to create a durable system that does not need to be adhered to the subfloor. Designed for extreme and Olympic-style weightlifting and training, our 1" Performance Modzilla system provides the ultimate flooring solution for serious athletes.
Product Specs
10.5mm (0.41") x 48" (1.22m) x 25 LF (7.62m)
1Surface Layer
2.5mm Vulcanized Composition Rubber surface layer
2itsTRU Fusion Bond
Proprietary itsTRU® technology fusion-bonds the VCR layers
3Base Layer
8mm Vulcanized Composition Rubber base layer
15mm (.59") x 24” (.61m) x 48” (1.22m)
4Floating Mod15 ShockPad
15mm x 24” x 48” interlocking Modzilla ShockPad tiles
Total Product Thickness: 1" (25.5mm)
Product Specs

Push your limits with Performance Modzilla
Give it your all while utilizing the ideal flooring solution for any selectorized strength, free weight, functional training, and Olympic-style lifting space.
Force Reduction
The amount of energy this surface absorbs.
Energy Restitution
The amount of useful energy this surface returns.
*Typical Deltec Field Tester results
Key Features
- Made with reclaimed rubber materials
- High coefficient of friction in wet and dry areas
- Lower In-Room Impact Sound
- Inlaid Logos/Designs Available
- Returns Energy to User
- Significantly Reduces Impact Force
- Can withstand heavy weight impact
- Durable
- Fully Recyclable at End of Life
- Reduces Heavy Weight Impact Noise
Performance Qualities
By harnessing the attributes of VCR, we've designed innovative surfaces that make people's lives better.
Performance Collection LEEDv4 Guide
Ecore Rubber Products Safety Data Sheet
Rubber Health Product Declaration
Rubber FloorScore
MindClick Ecore Story
Performance Modzilla Product Sales Sheet
Fitness, Strength & Conditioning - Applications Cheat Sheet
Athletic Product Performance Summary
Acoustical Data Sheet - Heavy Impact