E-Grip III
E-Grip III is a revolutionary zero-VOC, low odor, one-component urethane adhesive. With a moisture-cured, no-mix, non-sag and permanently elastic formula, E-Grip III is solvent-free and provides excellent adhesion to elastomers, concrete, and wood in both indoor and outdoor applications.
Product Specs
Type: One-Part Urethane
Works with Vulcanized Composition Rubber
Maximum RH: 85%
Substrate pH: 7-9
Flash Time: None
Working Time: 30-45 minutes
Shelf Life: 1 Year
Freeze/Thaw Stability: Stable
Antimicrobial: Yes
Trowel: 1/16” x 1/32” x 1/32” U-notch; 1/16” sq. notch; 1/8” sq. notch
Coverage Rate: 140 square-feet/gallon – 1/16-inch by 1/32-inch by 1/32-inch U-notch trowel
Coverage Rate: 95-square-feet/gallon – 1/16-inch by 1/16-inch by 1/16-inch square notch trowel
Coverage Rate: 60-square-feet/gallon – 1/8-inch by 1/8-inch by 1/8-inch square notch trowel
Available In: 4 Gallon Pail and 10.1 and 28 oz Cartridges
One 10.1 oz cartridge is required for every 15 Quad Bloks (1" Tiles) or every 10 Quad Bloks (2.5" Tiles). One 28 oz cartridge is required for every 40 Quad Bloks (1" Tiles) or for every 28 Quad Bloks (2.5" Tiles)